“The Oily Rag Murder” is an hilarious murder mystery set in World War 2 London.
With nods to Agatha Christie and “Midsomer Murders” this puzzle has everything: a beautiful heiress, a scheming femme-fatale, a flawed war hero and a despicable lawyer.
A cast of colourful reprobates keeps the laughs coming including the Dracula-esque pharmacist and his very odd assistant, the wily Uncle Bunny and his peculiar sister Hettie, dottie Aunt Norah and the long-suffering housekeeper, Dulcie.
Catch the play Thursday 24, Friday 25, Saturday 26 February, Thursday 4, Friday 5, Saturday 6 March at 8pm. Matinee at 2pm Saturday 6 March
Tickets $23.50 / $17 Concession and/or Club members
Bookings: MCA 1300 306 776 or on-line at www.mca-tix.com.au
For more information phone RAPA 9440 0013
The Oily Rag Murder stars: Liz Arday, Vincent Andriano, John Cross, Christopher Dean, Stefanie Funnell, Kaz Getts, Jessica McKerlie, Michelle Randall, , Kay Symons and David Woodland
The Oily Rag Murder enjoyed a second season at the inaugural Sydney Fringe Festival - at Newtown Theatre starring: Dani Nicholson, Vincent Andriano, Matt Jones, Christopher Dean, Kaz Getts, Jessica McKerlie, Michelle Randall, , Kay Symons and David Woodland.